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Sometimes, when Christians find themselves in difficult situations and they study or hear that nothing is impossible in Christ, they ask, “Why then did I lose the baby?” or “Why didn’t our brother make it? We prayed for him and he still died. We tried everything!”

In Matthew 17:14-18, the disciples of Jesus found themselves in this kind of situation. A man had brought his son, who was oppressed by a devil, to them so they could cast the devil out. They tried everything they knew to cast out the devil, but all their efforts were to no avail. When Jesus came and met them in that situation, He cast the devil out of the boy and he was cured from that very hour.

The disciples were stunned, so they asked Jesus privately, “Why couldn’t we cast it out?” Jesus didn’t do anything they weren’t familiar with. Otherwise, they would have said, “Oh! Master, we see now where we missed it.” But they didn’t say that. They were surprised because they did what He did and said what He said, but the devil didn’t come out. So they asked Him, “Why couldn’t we do it?”

Jesus’ response is both remarkable and instructive! He told them, “Because of your unbelief...” (Matthew 17:20). Very simple but profound words! He let them know it didn’t work because of their unbelief. Then the Lord said, “If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you” (Matthew 17:20). In other words, with faith anything is possible. If it didn’t work, you weren’t in faith because faith always works! Unbelief, on the other hand, short-circuits the power of God.

Faith always works! Settle this truth in your heart for all time. 1 Corinthians 13:13 (NKJV) says, “And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” This means that these three – faith, hope, and love – do not fade or fail; they are stable and they remain. After everything else fails, they abide.

The problem with a lot of people is that they’re waiting to see a physical manifestation before they believe it worked. Jesus didn’t say when you say to the mountain “remove,” then watch and see it go. He said when you ask it to go, it will go. So once you make the command, begin to act like it’s gone, because it has!

It’s important to understand that everything God made has intelligence. In the Old Testament, Moses spoke to the ground and it opened (Numbers 16:31-32). Joshua spoke to the sun and moon, and they stood still (Joshua 10:12- 13). Elisha spoke to River Jordan and it parted (2 Kings 2:14). And Ezekiel proved it when he spoke to dry bones and they became a mighty army (Ezekiel 37:4-10). In the New Testament, Jesus proved it too. He spoke to wind, water, bread, trees, and fish, and they responded. Your body has intelligence, so talk to it and it will respond!

Another important thing to notice is that Jesus didn’t say, “If you have faith, you shall fight the mountain, or shout long enough for the devil to hear you, or beg God to take the mountain out.” No, He said, “If you have faith, you shall SAY unto this mountain...” In other words, with faith, you can say to that cancer, “Go from my body” and it will go! You’ll speak to that growth and it’ll pass out of your body! You’ll speak to that migraine and it’ll leave.

Speak to your health or that situation today, and nothing shall be impossible unto you. Glory to God.


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  • Shahnewaz Sakil

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